Kiki’s Delivery Service Postcard (13)
Shop all MOVIC“Kiki’s Delivery Service” is a beloved Japanese animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The story follows a young witch named Kiki who, as a rite of passage, leaves her home and sets up a delivery service in a charming seaside town. Riding her broomstick, Kiki navigates various adventures, making new friends and discovering her own unique abilities. The film beautifully explores themes of self-discovery, independence, and friendship, making it a heartwarming and magical experience for audiences of all ages.
**Due to licensing restrictions, this item is only available to US & Canada customers. **
Item ID: | MV-0915-13 |
Wholesale Price per Unit: | $1.50 |
MOQ: | 10 |
MSRP: | $3.00 |
UPC: | 4961524842933 |
Master Case QTY: | 1,000 |
Inner Case QTY: | 10 |
Product Size: | 5.8 × 3.9 × 0.04 in |
Product Weight: | 0.1 oz. |
Material: | Paper |
Tokyo's Movic Co., Ltd. offers a vast array of anime, manga, and game-related merchandise. Established in 1983, their product lineup includes collectible figures, stationery, apparel, and accessories, often featuring beloved characters from popular series. Retailers can benefit from Movic’s high-quality, detailed, and diverse products that resonate with anime and manga enthusiasts, ensuring a wide appeal.
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