Explore the World of Toei Animation
Welcome to our Toei Animation collection, featuring a diverse range of high-quality products from iconic anime series such as Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Sailor Moon. Each item is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, reflecting the excellence of Japanese design and catering to the tastes of the American market.
Power up your inventory with Toei Animation and give your customers the opportunity to bring a piece of their favorite anime home. These unique and high-quality products captivate fans and collectors alike, making them an excellent addition to any store catering to anime enthusiasts.
Clever Idiots Inc. is an official licensee of Toei Animation.
Toei Animation Paper Theater Craft Kits
- Available for Dragon Ball Z and One Piece series
- Suitable for beginners and experienced crafters
- Double as unique desk accessories when assembled
Toei Animation Art Puzzles
- Artcrystal puzzles create a stunning stained-glass effect when completed
- Puzzles showcase scenes from popular anime series
About Toei Animation
Toei Animation is a renowned Japanese animation studio, famous for producing a wide range of anime series and films, including global hits like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Sailor Moon, and Pretty Cure. These works have significantly contributed to the popularity of anime worldwide, particularly in genres such as magical girl and super robot anime.
Quality and Authenticity
Each product in our Toei Animation collection is officially licensed and designed to meet the high standards that anime enthusiasts expect. From the intricate details of our paper theater kits to the comfort of our kigurumi, every item reflects the spirit and quality of its source material.
Perfect for Fans and Collectors
Our Toei Animation products are gateways to the fantastical worlds that your customers love. Whether they’re looking for a challenging craft project, a cozy costume, or a beautiful puzzle to display, our collection offers something for every type of fan.
Animate Your Sales with Toei
Bring the excitement of beloved anime to your store with our comprehensive Toei Animation line-up. From casual viewers to die-hard otaku, your customers will find something to fuel their passion and transport them to their favorite fantastical worlds.